© 2016 Your company

We are a team of professional dentists


Affordable dentistry with a quality guarantee

Why us? Our clinic employs only experienced specialists with more than 5 years of practical work. Our doctors improve their qualifications at courses and seminars regularly, both in Latvia and in other European countries, and undergo internships in leading clinics.

Specialists take an active part in international conferences and exhibitions. All achievements are confirmed with international certificates and professional development diplomas. At clinic there are modern equipment and materials, provided by Italian company Castellini, German MK-dent and others.

We provide quality guarantee for all types of services.

At clinic there are more than 10 thousand regular customers. According to the questioning of our customers, almost 90% of them apply to us repeatedly, also they advise our clinic to relatives, friends, acquaintances.

About us

Acceptable prices

11 years work experience with clients

Therapeutic dentistry deals with the treatment of caries and different complications of this disease. Appeal to the therapist is necessary at the initial stage of more complex treatment: prosthetics, implantation, orthodontics.

To avoid subsequent complications after operation, we need to make sure that there is no oral cavity infection.


Dental industry provides popular technique of denture prosthetics. In case of a large lack of teeth, patients have opportunity to make prosthetics. Thanks to this method, it is possible to restore the dentition in poor condition.

Qualified, experienced specialists make teeth prosthetic with the highest quality and professional level.


Surgical dentistry is the field of dentistry, using such methods of treatment as operations for the preservation of teeth, bone grafting, implantation of teeth, as well as all sorts of aesthetic operations.

Also, surgical dentistry includes teeth extraction. It is possible to remove incorrectly grown and interfering wisdom teeth.


Professional oral hygiene is a preventive dental procedure, during which the hygienist removes plaque full of bacteria in the entire oral cavity with the help of special tools.

It necessary to keep the oral cavity healthy and clean for a long time. It is recomended by the specialists to do oral hygiene every 6 months in the dental office!


Our services


Tooth Extraction






Componeer and restoration


Children's dentistry

Aesthetic dentistry


2D/3D x-ray


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Leasing for clients

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Diadent statics

30 +
Professional specialists
Years of experience
17500 +
People visited our clinic
Acquaintance of doctor and patient
Oral cavity condition inspection
Treatment options offer
Treatment plan preparation
Treatment at patient's convenient time

How treatment is carried out?

Our team

  • Aļona Meļeha
    Founder and head of Diadent clinic, 10+ years of experience in organizational and managerial processes.
  • Viktorija Oliševska
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
    Treatment, Therapist
  • Ivona Potašova
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
    Orthodontist, Dentist, Dental prosthetics, Veneers, Teeth whitening
  • Edīte Lazdāne
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
    Daugavpils, Saules iela 47
    Hygienist, Decor
  • Olga Juste
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
    Daugavpils, Saules iela 47
  • Andrejs Tankovs
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
    Surgery, Implantology, Correction of occlusion
  • Anastasija Laskina
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
    Endodontics, Treatment
  • Olena Iosifova
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
    Treatment, Tooth extraction, Endodontics, Correction
  • Vladimirs Trofimovs
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
    Treatment, Tooth extraction, Children's dentistry
  • Veronika Tupčienko
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
    Children's dentistry
  • Alisa Gabdrahmanova
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
    Hygiene for adults and children
  • Ludmila Bondare
    Daugavpils, Saules iela 47
    Treatment, Endodontics
  • Valentina Klimova
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 69
    Treatment, Tooth extraction, Endodontics, Correction
  • Lilija Lavrinoviča
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 69
    Treatment, Tooth extraction, Endodontics, Correction
  • Oleksijs Boboks
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
    Treatment, Tooth extraction, Endodontics, Correction
  • Violetta Pupina
    Daugavpils, Jātnieku iela 78
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 69
    Treatment, Dental prosthetics, Endodontics, Tooth extraction
  • Nataliia Ivashchenko
    Daugavpils, Saules iela 47,
    Massage therapist
  • Viktorija Vanaga
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
  • Darija Onufrijeva
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
  • Yelizaveta Shmyhol
    Daugavpils, Saules iela 47
  • Svetlana Danilova
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 69
  • Svetlana Avdejeva
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
  • Lilija Zariņa
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
  • Maija Luščika
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
  • Aļona Pavlovska
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
  • Diana Gabdrahmanova
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
  • Jūlija Malnača
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 69
  • Olga Beļajeva
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 69
  • Tatjana Blaga
    Daugavpils, Jātnieku iela 78
  • Jolanta Volosova
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
  • Karina Mateša
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
  • Diāna Vasiļevska
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
  • Svetlana Fjodorova
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
  • Jeļena Gedroica
    Daugavpils, Rigas iela 69
  • Jevgenija Voitjule
    Daugavpils, Jatnieku iela 78
  • Irina Čerņecova
    Daugavpils, Saules iela 47
  • Žaneta Vanaga
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 51
    Fairy of purity
  • Vera Akerberga
    Daugavpils, Rīgas iela 69
    Fairy of purity
Была на удалении зуба,в первый раз пошла в эту клинику! и не чуть не пожалела!!! Персонал очень приветливый,врач и помошница вобще супер☝️ теперь если что,то только туда
Андрей Борский
Делали чистку зубов от камня, очень понравилось обслуживание, современная аппаратура, настоящий европейский уровень, приветливый персонал, так что если лечить зубы, так только здесь
Андрей Багджус
Очень боюсь стоматологов, но Там Зубные феи! Спасибо Всему персоналу.
Sandra Ivanova


Our clinics

Supported by the people of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants
Projektu "Iekārtas un aprīkojuma iegāde jaunā kabineta atvēršanai" atbalsta Islande, Lihtenšteina un Norvēģija, izmantojot EEZ Grantus
EEZ grantu konkursa "Atbalsts biznesa ideju īstenošanai Latgalē" projekts "Iekārtas un aprīkojuma iegāde jaunā kabineta atvēršanai"
Projekta mērķis ir radīt jaunu pakalpojumu – zobārstniecības kabinets ar PRF un fizioterapijas iespējām, iegādājoties nepieciešamo iekārtas un aprīkojumu PRF un fizioterapijas veikšanai.
Īstenošanas periods: 05.04.2023.-04.10.2023.

Projektā veicamās darbības projekta mērķa sasniegšanai:
• ieguldījumi pakalpojumu daudzveidošanai ar jaunu zobārstniecības kabinetu, kas sniedz PRF un fizioterapijas pakalpojumus. Minētie pakalpojumi esošās komercdarbības ietvaros iepriekš netika sniegti.

Galvenie sasniedzamie rezultāti projektā:
• četru jaunu darba vietu radīšana;
• jaunu pakalpojumu radīšana, kas esošās komercdarbības ietvaros iepriekš nav sniegti;
• uzņēmuma klientu skaita un sekojoši ieņēmumu palielināšana.
Projektu atbalsta Islande, Lihtenšteina un Norvēģija, izmantojot EEZ Grantus.
Strādājam kopā konkurētspējīgai Eiropai!
Diadent company is an affordable dentistry with a quality guarantee. Acceptable prices. Guaranteed result.
(+371) 28 550 020
Daugavpils, Saules 47
Mo − Fr: 8:00 - 17:00
(+371) 23 070 979
Mo − Fr: 8:00 - 17:00
(+371) 27 762 000
Daugavpils, Rīgas 51
(+371) 24 662 686
Daugavpils, Rīgas 69
Mo − Fr: 8:00 - 17:00
(+371) 27 468 686
Daugavpils, Jātnieku 78
Monday: 8:00 - 16:00
Tue − Fr: 8:30 - 13:00
(+371) 65 312 395
Līvāni, Zaļā 44
By appointment
Reg. Nr. 41503057661
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